Why your balcony needs sufficient waterproofing

Published 30 Jun 2020

2 mins read

Updated 30th November 2023

Balcony structures must be solid, particularly if positioned high up in an apartment building or office. One of the best ways to secure them is by ensuring they are adequately waterproofed, reducing its susceptibility to the elements.

Waterproofing a balcony will strengthen its structure dramatically. Balcony membrane waterproofing and torch on membrane make it easy to waterproof any style.

Here’s why your balcony needs sufficient waterproofing.

Importance of balcony waterproofing

When we think of waterproofing, we generally think of bathrooms and rooms that are susceptible to a lot of water. Balconies are, in fact, one of the most common failure points we come across as they are exposed to the elements – in particular, water.

Water damage can be extremely detrimental and will generally cost an arm and a leg to fix, so it’s essential to try and avoid the problem in the first place.

Concrete is a material that when affected by water, begins to weaken and crack. If cracking starts to occur, even more water will get into the concrete and the problems will grow exponentially.

Concrete crack

What’s worse, steel is usually structured within the concrete and is what holds the balcony together. If the concrete is affected by water, then the steel will be exposed, causing it to rust and become very weak.

Timber is another common balcony material. If not properly protected from water, timber structures can rot and make the balcony extremely dangerous. Wood that rots becomes very weak and easily breaks.

What you should do

Your safety and the safety of everyone that will use the balcony is at risk if water damage is allowed to fester. Don’t take the risk and ensure your balcony is waterproofed adequately.

If you notice that the base of your balcony is looking a bit weathered, it’s crucial to take action. Even if you’re having doubts about the safety of your balcony, it’s worth consulting with some of the most skilled waterproofers in Sydney so that you can regain that peace of mind.

Making sure your balcony is in a safe condition should be a top priority of yours, so you can avoid the absolute worst-case scenario of it collapsing.

We at Titan Waterproofing can handle any waterproofing job, whether large or small.

If you’re looking to safeguard your balcony and prolong your peace of mind, or you have any questions regarding balcony waterproofing, feel free to get in touch today on 1300 761 219!

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