3 Tips on Waterproofing Commercial Car Parks

Published 22 Jun 2015

2 mins read

Updated 24th February 2021

Commercial car parks must be durable, safe and intelligently designed to satisfy demanding parking requirements. They are exposed to frequent vehicular traffic making them susceptible to cracks and moisture.

Modern car parks must meet building codes and safety regulations including waterproofing. The right concrete waterproofing application ensures lasting durability to car park users.

Waterproofing Roof Car Park (Top Deck)

concrete waterproofingWhen it rains, cars bring water and sediment onto the structure that penetrate into the concrete and cause corrosion. Top deck car parks should consider suitable waterproofing application as well as thermal insulation to prevent further disruption.

Signs of damage include deterioration of the stucco, railing, fixtures or water intrusion that affects the structural elements below. If you noticed any of these signs, get Sydney waterproofing experts to inspect, repair and waterproof the concrete deck.

Waterproofing Multi-storey Car Park (Intermediate Deck)

concrete waterproofingMulti storey car parks require special attention due to their susceptibility to floor and ceiling leaks. They also receive increased dynamic load and mechanical stress.

Water penetrating the floor causes efflorescence, a visible white mineral stain on the concrete. In time, this can cause severe damage not only to the structure but also to people’s health.

The solution to fix efflorescence is to stop moisture penetration. This can be done with waterproofing and improving of expansion joints. Expansion joints allow possible movement from heavy traffic while stopping water leaks. This process may involve a qualified waterproofing contractor in Sydney.

Waterproofing Underground Car Parks

concrete waterproofingUnderground car parks is also exposed to water vapour penetration below. A suitable waterproofing membrane must be applied to make the concrete vapour-tight. If not fixed it could result to blistering, delamination and concrete spalling.





Titan Waterproofing Contractors Sydney applies concrete waterproofing solutions including torch on membrane, sheet membrane and liquid membrane. Our waterproofing systems are capable of withstanding heavy vehicular traffic in high rise commercial car parks.

If you have questions about your building maintenance and remedial repairs, call a waterproofing expert at 1300 761 219.

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All Aspects of Water Proofing, Remedial & New Development - 1300 761 219